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Level 3

Newbie basic MSI question (reboot in the middle of an install)

I am very new to InstallShield products and am creating an installation that will, among other things, install MS SQL 2005 Express. These will be going onto systems that already have SQL 2000 MSDE and several existing databases. There are SQL scripts that need to be run before and after SQL Express is installed. Between the install of SQL and the post-install upgrade script, the system needs to be rebooted. Using a basic MSI setup, how do I reboot the target system and have my installation pick up where it left off? I figure I'll have to have it add an entry to RunOnce for my setup program with some sort of flag, but how do I then use that flag to pick up my basic MSI in the middle? Is there some sort of custom action that is the equivalent of 'if this, then goto...'? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Flexera Alumni

For rebooting while the MSI tables are being processed, you might consult the documentation for the ForceReboot action and AFTERREBOOT property; for InstallShield prerequisite installations, you might start with the InstallShield help topic "Specifying the Behavior for a Prerequisite that Requires a Restart".
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