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Level 4

Programmatically set ARPNOMODIFY

I would like to allow the Add/Remove Programs (Programs and Features within Vista) Change button for all non-Vista machines, but not allow for all Vista machines.

Currently setting the "Disable Change Button" within IS2008 always overrides setting the ARPNOMODIFY property, no matter where I set it (within ExecuteSequence, and or a final CA within the InstallSequence).

After some trial-n-error, I can make the ARPNOMODIFY property stick, verifying this via the msi logfile... but the Registry(HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall...) will always state: NoModify = 1.

How can I programmatically set the ARPNOMODIFY via operating system flavor?
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(1) Reply
Flexera Alumni

I haven't tried it, but does a conditional set-property custom action or two do the trick?
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