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Level 3

Problem with Features Panel


Please tell me how I can get the handle of the features that are listed on the features panel. I want the handle in the Swing event editor. Is there any way we can get the handle in other than .. generateOptionsEntriesFeature() method. If yes please let me know I am stuck .. 😞 . I have no clue :confused: how this works .. I have moved the old ISMP 5.3 windows file to new ISMP 11.5.. now I have no clue how to handle the features in the Swing event.. Please help

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(2) Replies
Level 9

What are you trying to do?

I guess you could use the resolveString("$P(")!

I'm sure there are other ways but you could do something like:

if ( arg0.resolveString("$P("true") )"){
if ( not what I want ){
arg0.setReturnValue(false); // does not allow Next Dialog

I could not find a way to deactivate a check box in code - I just popped up a message box to tell them to un-check it!!

Hope this helps,
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Tom,

I was just trying to get the handle of the features on the feature panel and trying to get the value of different properties of the features. However I am able to get the handle and now I can check different properties (for e.g. enabled, visible etc.)of a particular feature.

I have converted my ISMP 5.3 windows project file to ISMP 11.5. Now what I want is to put the listener which will listen for the events like check and uncheck event against a feature... can you please tell me how I can do that... I tried by implementing the ChoiceComponentListener but no success...If you can provide me some pointers that will help me..

Thanks in advance!!

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