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Level 2

Patch based patches problems

I have create patch1 based on a base image. I can apply the patch and it works. I have also created an uninstall command to remove the patch1 which works.
I have created patch2 based on patch1. When applying patch2 after applyong patch1 I get the following message:

Error 1328: Error applying patch to fileC:\Config.msi\PT491F.tmp. It has probably been updated by other means, and can no longer be modified by this patch. if I ignore the message it copies all file changes except for one ???.XLL. The ???.xll file is a copy of ???.dll which has been copied and renamed.

Applying patch2 after the base installation works. I have created an uninstall command to remove patch2, but it does not work. I see the following error message in the vent viewer:

iProduct XXX -- Error 1706. No valid source can be found for product XXX. The Windows installer cannot continue. Contact...


Product XXX -- Update 'XXX' could not be removed. error code 1603. Windows Installer can create logs to help troubleshoot issue with installing software packages......

I have also created patch3 based on patch2. It installs ok on top of patch2 and running the uninstall command (vbscript) goes back to patch2. Then uninstalling patch2 gives me the same issue as above.

Applying patch3 after the base installation works but the uninstall command has the same issue as the patch2 above.

Looks like it is looking for the original base version.

Any contribution to solve the issue will be greatly appreciated.
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(1) Reply
Level 11

This sounds really, really strange. As far as the file in Config.msi, I'm at a loss to explain why this is happening.

I would post the logs of the first scenario:

1. Base Install log
2. Patch 1 install log
3. Patch 2 install log

Error 1706 has two components: The first being, something is happening which requires source. Mostly likely in this case the removal of a binary patch of file(s), since it needs to rewrite the original version of the file. The second component is the original *.msi is not accessible in the place where you installed it from. If it's a network location, that location is inaccessible. If it's the local machine, the file probably has moved. Again, a log file will help diagnose this.
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