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Level 8

Numberic named directories

I have directories at are named with numberic values that I need to setup inside the directory table. I also need this done so I can create virtual directories with the same name as the folders and set the path to these numberic named directories in my application. Currently it will not allow me to set the directory up in side the table because it says it needs to start with an underscrore or a character. This same limit is stoping me from browsing to the directory when trying to set the virtual directory path.

Is there a way around this?
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(1) Reply
Level 7

As a rule of thumb, it is always recommended to develop your project primarily with in the views and use the Direct Edit view secondarily.

For instance, to add a folder in the Files and Folders view and name it "123", looking to the Directory table, you see it added this way:
Directory    Directory_Parent    DefaultDir

The visible name is the 3rd field. The internal database label is the 1st field, the Directory field.

The definition of the Directory table shows that the first field is of the Identifier type which, as you found, requires text or an underscore as the first character.

Microsoft's article on Using the Directory Table should also be of some help.
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