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Level 3

InstallScript project disable Cancel button in uninstall merge modules

Hi All,

I am using InstallShield pro 2008 install script project for my installer. The installer includes a bunch of merge modules, so it seems no response during install and uninstall the merge modules if I chose to use "No UI" option to install merge modules. To improve the performance of the install process I change the option to use "Basic MSI UI". The basic MSI UI provides a progress bar to indicate the install process which was great.

The problem arises during uninstall. The cancel button is enabled and if a user click the cancel button the uninstall of the merge modules will be terminated. However, the uninstall of the other components other than the merge modules will continue. This causes the uninstall leaves merge module files on the target machine, which is not what we want.

I am looking for a way to disable the cancel button in uninstalling the merge modules UI. Anyone please give me some advice. I really appreciate your help.
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(1) Reply
Level 7

There is no easy setting to disable the cancel button and nothing directly available in the project views.

However, Microsoft describes a method of Hiding the Cancel Button During an Installation through the use of a custom action that you might use during the uninstallation process.
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