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Level 4

Newbie Question

I apologize in advance for asking some basic questions - I've been working Mac installs for a long timne but this is the first time I am working on Windows Installs.

1. When I receive an error in a build - for instance saying the source file doesn't exist - is there an easy way to figure out WHERE this file is in my installation? Some way to search all of the files being installed?

2. I upgraded my install from an earlier version of InstallShield - and am getting an error 4075. The Knowledge Base says to "simply remover the InstallScript MSI Object from the setup" - but I'm not quite sure how to do this (may seem simple if you know what you're doing!)

Thanks for your help!
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Flexera Alumni

For (1), perhaps look in Application Data > Files and Folders, and look for files that have "***File Not Found***" in the Modified column? (As a last resort, you can search for the missing file name in the Direct Editor view, but that's not as nice to look at.)

For (2), you should be able to deselect that obsolete object in the Application Data > Redistributables view.
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