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Level 2

.Net framework 4.0 as a prerequisite


We want to ship .Net framework 4.0 as a prerequisite for our application's setup. Anybody has idea in which version of Install shield, we will have that facility to ship .net 4.0 framework as a prerequisite.

Currently we are using Install shield 2009 and it seems we cannot add this version of framework as a prerequisite to the setup.

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(4) Replies
Level 10

Why don´t you just create your own Prerequisite(s) for .NET 4 (currently beta2) using the prerequisite editor of InstallShield 2009?

(I presume that the next InstallShield version includes prerequisites for .NET 4 since the expected launch date of .NET Framework 4 is 22 March 2010)
0 Kudos
Level 2

Yes, i have done that for time being. but it would be better if installshield adds it in the list of pre-requisites. Can't they do it in subsequent patch of 2009 version after .net 4.0 is available?
0 Kudos
Level 7

How do you use the Prerequisite Editor with the .NET Framework? On the "Files to Include" tab, do you put the setup file?

A little guidance would be great!

0 Kudos
Level 7

Above is the link to the Installshield 2010 Expansion Pack for Visual Studio 2010.

It adds prereqs for .NET framework 4.0, Microsoft SQL CE 3.5 SP2 and Microsoft Office 2007 among others.

But you have to have IS 2010.
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