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Level 7

Upgrade ISE to IS2010 64 bit install

I can create a new 64 bit installation with IS2010, however when I import an ISE (Install Shield Express 2009) project and try to change it to a 64 bit install the [ProgramFiles64Folder] never shows up as an option in the [Installation Designer --> Application Data --> Files and Folders --> Right Click on Destination Computer --> Show Pre-defined Folders] - only the 32 bit ones show up.
I have changed all components to 64 bit in components, and have changed the [Installation Designer --> Installation Information --> General Information --> Summary Information Stream --> Template Summary] to x64;1033
What am I missing?
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(4) Replies
Level 17

Do you have the ProgramFiles64Folder entry in the Directory table? If not, try adding the entry with the following values using the Direct Editor and see if it solves the problem.

Directory: ProgramFiles64Folder

Directory_Parent: TARGETDIR

Default Dir: .:Prog64~1|Program Files 64

ISAttributes: 0
0 Kudos
Level 7

hidenori wrote:
Do you have the ProgramFiles64Folder entry in the Directory table? If not, try adding the entry with the following values using the Direct Editor and see if it solves the problem.

Directory: ProgramFiles64Folder

Directory_Parent: TARGETDIR

Default Dir: .:Prog64~1|Program Files 64

ISAttributes: 0

Interesting: There is no ProgramFiles64Folder in the Directory table when I import an ISE 2009 project. There is also no 64 bit common files folder (or any of the 64 bit folders).

I did find that I can edit the [Installation Designer --> Installation Information --> General Information --> INSTALLDIR] manually and change [ProgramFilesFolder] to [ProgramFiles64Folder]. That changes the installation folder in th files and folders, AND (interestingly enough) also adds the table entry you refer to above. The other 64 bit folders continue to elude the system though...

0 Kudos
Level 17

I filed the work order #IOA-000055986 so that it will be fixed in a future release of InstallShield. Please create 64-bit directory entries manually to get it workaround for now.

Thank you for reporting this.
0 Kudos
Level 7

hidenori wrote:
I filed the work order #IOA-000055986 so that it will be fixed in a future release of InstallShield. Please create 64-bit directory entries manually to get it workaround for now.

Thank you for reporting this.

Great - thanks.
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