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Level 2

Multiple product Support

I am a newbie to install shield and unable to take any decission with this ocean like software. please help me out on this issue.

I have two products to be installed each of them having own MSIs.
Each product supports silent installation.
I need to make a wrapper installer(master installer) that will install both of these product.

I would like to know the following things..
1. How can I provide silent installation feature that can install one or both the products ?
2. Will merge module help me in createing a master installer from both the MSIs ?Will there any issues in providing silent instllation to the master installer ?

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(1) Reply
Level 3

The way I have handled similar situations in the past is to create a "master installer" that is an install script project type. Then in the script function, typically in OnFirstUIAfter(), use LaunchAppAndWait() calling msiexec with the path to the .msi file and the /passive option.

If you place the two .msi files in a non-temp path, I.E. the TARGETDIR, you can use the same type thing in the OnMaitUIBefore() or OnMaintUIAfter() for the uninstallation of the two.
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