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Level 3

Error launching Installer

I took out a bunch of files and was able to get it to bulid an installer. However, when I go to launch the installer I get:
Error could not find
Error could not find Java 2 Run Time Environment.

This is on a solaris 10 box with Java 1.5x and I reinstalled the latest JRE 1.5x just to make sure it was there.
Also, a quick search of the filesystem for and I get about 7 returns.
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(4) Replies
Level 7

Make sure your installer is searching for the correct JVM, try bundling it with the installer just to see if it will work.
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Level 3

MEinstaller wrote:
Make sure your installer is searching for the correct JVM, try bundling it with the installer just to see if it will work.

It finishes checking the JVM it is when the Installer gets to Extracting the Archive that it fails.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Try a different JVM and see if that makes a difference.
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Level 3

Fixed it had to create a link from /usr/jdk//jre to /usr/jre
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