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Level 7

Minor Upgrade Problems

Project Type: Basic MSI

I've been trying to create a minor upgrade for some time now and I can't seem to make it work properly. I create a package with version of our software. I can install it and run it just fine. I replace three DLLs with the versions of the files and update the ProductVersion property to I create a minor upgrade item and point it to the previously created setup. When I create the new package I see a warning claiming "The CreateFolder table contains new content". This appears to be false. The CreateFolder table has no content whatsoever.

Also, I don't seem to be able to apply the upgrade I created. The package installs correctly and the software functions. When I attempt to apply the> upgrade the installer runs in maintenance (Mondify/Repair/Remove) mode. I have run through this installer just to see what happened and the three DLLs appear to be upgraded (right-click, properties, version) but upon launching the software I see the attached dialog box. The software has yet to launch after applying this upgrade, even if I select "Run Setup" and point to the setup.exe or setup.msi.

Clearly I am doing something wrong with creating this minor upgrade. Can someone give me some pointers on what I need to do to create a minor upgrade? I've read over so many documents (even the Learning MSI Projects book from Acresso) and still do not have a functioning upgrade. Thanks for any help any of you can give.
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Level 3

Windows Installer uses only 3 fields for versioning: aaa.bbb.cccc

If you add a fourth field, it just gets ignored. Try versioning your setups 8.0.22 and 8.0.25.
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Not applicable

While a Minor Upgrade technically requires that you change one of the first three recognized digits of the ProductVersion property, it's not the reason you're seeing this issue.

Windows Installer enters Maintenance mode as opposed to upgrade mode when the PackageCode of the installation performing the upgrade matches the installation currently on the machine. Because the PackageCode represents a specific structure and build of the MSI package in question, MSI defines both as being the exact same.

What you would want to do is ensure in the Product Configuration for your Release that you have the "Generate New Package Code" option set to "Yes", or that you generate a new PackageCode for your product in the same view. Doing this will assist in moving you forward with the issue you're encountering.
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Level 7

douglasm wrote:
Windows Installer uses only 3 fields for versioning: aaa.bbb.cccc

If you add a fourth field, it just gets ignored. Try versioning your setups 8.0.22 and 8.0.25.

Thanks. This appears to have been the problem for the upgrades not working. Both installers appear to run correctly and the application runs accordingly, now, as well.

However, I still have the same problem with the CreateFolder warnings. How does one go about correcting this type of problem? I don't know where to look for these component codes. There are twelve of these "Val0010" warnings yet only three DLL files (thus three components) were changed for the minor upgrade. These three components have only a single file in each of them. How can I possibly have twelve differences when only three files have changed?

Val0010: The data in component '_8EED4496082ABC8DC1D35EED2B610D98' differs from the previous setup. However, this component will not reinstall in an upgrade scenario. Therefore, the changes will not be applied to the target system during the upgrade. Table: 'CreateFolder' Record: '_9FA393DA8F34495D87472B2FD6F562B9;_8EED4496082ABC8DC1D35EED2B610D98'
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Level 7

bryanwolf wrote:
While a Minor Upgrade technically requires that you change one of the first three recognized digits of the ProductVersion property, it's not the reason you're seeing this issue.

Windows Installer enters Maintenance mode as opposed to upgrade mode when the PackageCode of the installation performing the upgrade matches the installation currently on the machine. Because the PackageCode represents a specific structure and build of the MSI package in question, MSI defines both as being the exact same.

What you would want to do is ensure in the Product Configuration for your Release that you have the "Generate New Package Code" option set to "Yes", or that you generate a new PackageCode for your product in the same view. Doing this will assist in moving you forward with the issue you're encountering.

The "Generate New Package Code" is and has always been set to "Yes". The "Package Code" field is empty.
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