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Level 4

Migrating MYSELF from Installshied v.OLD to 2008

As I stated in an earlier post, I am coming from a very old version of Installshield (I'm guessing some version greater than 5.5 and less than 10). I'm coming from an almost purely scripting background with Installshield.

While I really appreciate all the bells and whistles of 2008 and all of the configurability at my disposal, I'm still trying to get my bearings in 2008. Some poking around and some participation on this forum has left me wondering wether the Basic MSI or the Installscript project is the better choice for my needs. (I've read a lot of negative feedback regarding the MSI Installscript, so I'm guessing that either the Basic MSI or Installscript project is the way to go.)

What I would like to do, is post a snipet of pseudocode representing the sequential order of execution for my install, and perhaps based on that, some of you can throw your two cents in as to which is the better route to take.

Specific questions I have are: can I execute my freeDiskSpace vs requiredDiskSpace check before my setup prerequisites begin in the Basic MSI? Can I abort the entire install if the user chooses not to install one of my setup prerequisites in the Basic MSI?

Thanks for any help
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In a Basic MSI, the setup prereq functionality runs before the MSI is even launched. I guess the quick & basic answer would be "No".

Also, by selecting a prerequisite as "Not Optional", the users will not be able to skip it and if it fails, the installation will stop.
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Level 4

Thanks Bryan. So here's my follow up question. My setup prerequisites launch the third party redistributables (MSIs) which means MY installation is launched via double-clicking setup.exe. I'm ok with that.

Since I am using setup.exe, do I have any ability to invoke a custom action (my disk space check) PRIOR to the invocation of the setup perquisites? If so, HOW?

Thanks in advance.
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