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Level 7

Merge Module: Custom vs. Standard Action

Well, I think I have a fair idea of a custom vs. standard action, but I'm not so sure my software does. Then again, whenever I do try to blame the software, it usually ends up being a user error. Anyway, here's my deal:

I'm authoring a merge module with some InstallScript CAs - some to run Immediate, others Deferred. I write the script, export the prototype, and create my CA without inserting it into a sequence.

Then I go author ModuleInstallExecuteSequence table. As an example, take two rows:
Action / Sequence / BaseAction / After / Condition
InstallStartMyAgent / / InstallServices / 1 / NOT REMOVE="ALL"
InstallServices / 5800 / / /

I got the sequence number for InstallServices from one of the help topics.

When I try to build, though, I get two ICEM12 errors for each of my CAs:
* Standard actions should not use the BaseAction and After fields in Module Sequence tables. The standard action `InstallStartMyAgent` has a values entered in the BaseAction or After fields of the ModuleInstallExecuteSequence table.

*Standard actions must have a entry in the Sequence field of Module Sequence tables. The standard action `InstallStartMyAgent` does not have a Sequence value in the ModuleInstallExecuteSequence table.

My question, then, is why does it think my custom actions are standard actions??

Thanks for your help!
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Level 7

Wow - yay me and stuff.

The answer to "Why does it think my custom actions are standard actions?" is "Because your custom action wasn't authored in the CustomAction table."

I'm sure most of you knew this, but with the Merge Module CAs, there's a GUID tacked on to the end of the custom action name when it's created. So in the ModuleInstallExecuteSequence table, instead of the Action being "InstallStartMyAgent" it needed to be "InstallStartMyAgent." ...which correctly referenced the Custom Action table, and so on and so forth.

Hope this helps someone out.
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