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Level 3

Making certain dialog controls invisible when doing a uninstall

Hi, I am doing a Web Project now. I added a check box and some text boxes on the SetupCompleteSuccess dialog using "Dialogs" under "User Interface" to let the users choose if they would like to see the readme file when the installation completes successfully. However, if I choose to uninstall the project, the SetupCompleteSuccess also shows after the uninstall is complete. Is there a way to show these boxes only at the installation time and make them invisible at the uninstall time? Thanks.
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(4) Replies
Level 3

I have found the solution. Thanks.
0 Kudos
Level 9

I am interested in doing something similiar. What was your solution?
0 Kudos
Level 4

I have the same problem. Does anybody know how to show the "Launch readme" checkbox only during the installation not in uninstallation...

thank you,
0 Kudos
Level 3

Set a property at the start of an uninstall so you know it is an uninstall. then on your dialog choose behavior and then the control name. on the panel that appears on the right at the bottom there will be 3 tabs "events, subscriptions, conditions" choose conditions. that is where you can condition when to have a control enabled, disabled, shown, hidden.

hope this was helpful.
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