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Level 2

MSI file


I'm new with Installshield and I gotta do a MSI file to install a program. I have my first msi files who actually work, it installs the files I want where I want (theses files are dll) and now I want my program to install these dll, how can I do this? is there a function that I can use for dll files? I would also like to do my program for my client who will use it in silent mode but at the start of the installation he have to write the path to install the file, I would like to lock the textbox where he writes it, how can I do this?

Thanks in advance for your help, if any of you need any explanations to help me just don't hesitate and ask.

Thanks again,

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(2) Replies
Level 2

Or if any of you could tell me where I could get docs or infos about that?
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Level 5

you can use UseDll function for registering your dll files. Find more information about it in IS help.
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