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Level 3

MSI Install with zero registry entries?

Is there a way to build an MSI install which will leave zero registry entries behind?

I realize this is contradictory to the entire spirit of MSI...

We have an install procedure which is basically a glorified file copy that moves several thousand files to a set directory structure. Updates to this package are done by deleting the parent folder and re-installing files. We have this procedure in an installshield exe format which leaves no trace in Add/Remove or anywhere in the registry.

I need the same idea in an MSI installer. I know how to remove it from ARP, but how or is it possible to turn off registry logging completely for an MSI?
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(1) Reply
Level 17

The following MSDN help topic has details:
Adding and Removing an Application and Leaving No Trace in the Registry
(You'll basically want to remove some actions from the Custom Actions and Sequences view.)
I hope that helps.
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