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Level 4

LicenseFAQ - run IS2008 in evaluation mode on 2nd computer for short period?

We've purchased a single user license of IS 2008 (having upgraded from IS Develoer 8sp2).

I've installed IS2008 on my computer for the time being as I am the installation developer.

However I am in the process of handing over my duties to another developer. We have a single license for IS2008.

I would like to install IS2008 on the other developer's computer, and run it in evaluation/un-activated mode for a short period of time while that developers gets used to the InstallShield product. After a period of time I would then uninstall IS2008 from my computer completely and we would 'activate' the other user's computer.

IS Developer 8 had completely different licensing. Having installed IS 2008 on the other computer, when I run it from the start menu shortcut nothing happens. I expected to be asked to activate the product, or run it un-activated?

If this is not feasible the other options it to request an evaluatio copy but I thought considering we had purchased the real thing, it would be easier if we could switch from evaluation to real rather than having to uninstall/reinstall.

Advice please.
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(5) Replies
Level 16

Do you check into source control and do build automation with the stand alone build? (IMO Good ) or do you do Desktop builds? ( IMO Bad )

The reason I ask is IS in Eval mode doing desktop builds will generate an MSI that says it was created eval. If you use an eval to check in code and do a server build it won't.

So going eval and then uninstalling and transfering ( activating ) the license should work and be within the spirit of the license agreement.
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Level 4

We use the standalone build, and have scripts which use the MS API and the InstallShield (SABuild) COM automation layer to build CD-ROMS and patches, all under version control.

These scripts are part of the build process for the product builds, and are rigged up to MSBuild/

Until the other developer is up to speed, all they would be doing is looking at installshield project files, and scripts; they wouldn'e be doing any authoring directly.

However I hear what you are saying; I could download/install the EVAL version on the 2nd computer until the time is right, then just uninstall from my computer and re-install on the other computer.
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Level 16

They could install now eval, and contribute to source control no problems. The .ISM would not be watermaked as Eval.

When it comes time, when you uninstall that should `deactivate` you on InstallShield's server. The other developer could then `activate` using your serial number without having to do a reinstall. It's handled inside the IS IDE.
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Level 4

I've just uninstalled the premier edition, and downloaded the evaluation version of the premier version and installed it.

I'm now getting the same behaviour - when I click the start menu shortcut, the hourglass appears for a few seconds...then nothing.

The machine on which it has been installed is a 32-bit Windows 2003 VM installation (we use virtualization - virtuozzo - to clone desktop images).

I presume the licensing component (FLEXLM or whatever is used) is perhaps having communications problems.

Is there anywhere I need to look to work out why IS is failing to start? license component logging, or somewhere else?

I didn't have any problems when I evalated IS2008 last summer, so it could be something specific to the PC on which I've installed.

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Level 16

I would get an official answer from Acresso, but I *think* I've read that IS isn't supported in a virtual enviornment ... probably ( again I *think* ) because the FlexLM stuff assumes physical access to certain hard drive sectors to enforce the DRM.

One would hope that the divorce from Macrovision would get rid of the DRM stuff but I doubt it.... Personally I think the licensing model needs to be a lot more flexible for what I term as `occasional/limited` contributors. That's what Colloboration is supposed to be for, but I find the tool entirely too limiting.
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