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Level 9

Admin push of MSI install project

We are testing our Admin push of our MSI install project over an older version of the software to make sure that it will correctly perform a Major Upgrade over the previous version and correctly install the new version.

When I do the initial tests from command line it correctly uninstalls the previous version, using the upgrade table to perform a Major Upgrade, and correctly installs the new version, but when our admin attempts to use his depolyment tool to push out the msi it will not uninstall the previous version and therefore both versions will exist on the system.

Now I have asked him to turn on logging of the install so that maybe I can see something there, but in the mean time has any one ever encountered this or give suggestions as to why the install does not perform as a Major Upgrade?

Thanks for any input.
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Could it be that the original install was per-machine and the newer is per-user? A major upgrade requires both to be the same.
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Level 9

Yes all our installs are per-machine based.

So is there anything special that has to be placed on the Admin command line to force per-machine? I already have ALLUSERS set to 2 in my properties table so would this not always install per-machine?

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