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Level 7

Installpath in shortcut tooltip


I do have an InstallScript MSI project which installs my application. The application is added to the start menu of windows. I tried to define a tooltip on this shortcut showing the location of the application.

Under InstallShield 2008, I went to the InstallationDesigner under System Configuration/Shortcuts and selected the application. I filled the field Description with [INSTALLDIR]\myapp.exe.

Now, the tooltip of the application shows [INSTALLDIR]\myapp.exe.

What do I have to make to have the [INSTALLDIR] resolved, ie. that the tooltip shows "Location: C:\Program Files\..." ?
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(2) Replies
Level 7

No idea how to define the text of the tooltip in the description field of the exe file in order to have it show the full path?
0 Kudos
Level 8

Create a new string entry with [INSTALLDIR], and add this string as description for the shortcut.
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