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Level 2

Installer problems on japanese Windows XP


I am using IS 2009 Premier with SP1. I made an installer project (InstallScript MSI type) including English, German and Italian language.

As I try to install on a clean (just-installed) Japanese windows XP, an error 1324 (the path contains invalid characters) occurrs, and then a feature transfer error. I found out this may be caused because the regional language settings is not set by default to the installation language. (This may be a problem since IS 2009 is not able to create a Unicode setup launcher for InstallScript MSI projects)

Then I set it to Japanese. After restart, the installer worked, (however, strange character appeared instead of backslash) but the built in text style was replaced by a monospace font which caused the dialogs to be resized smaller. No matter what type of font I define in design time, it is ignored on runtime.

I tried out German and Italian selection, there were no problem, just in English (U.S.)

Looks like this when I choose English:

On Italian looks ok:

More annoying, that the bitmap is not resized no matter I check in or out SS_REALSIZEIMAGE property. It is simply ignored too.

Does anyone know a useful solution for the dialog text style problem?

Or maybe a better solution for the initial (1324) problem?

Thanks in advance.

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(2) Replies
Level 2

Wow, more than half year gone and no one ever looked. This is no good.
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Level 16

English didn't look that bad to me since the top and bottom were cropped equally. I know, not what you. 🙂

If it was me, I'd just scale my artwork down a few pixels so that the english looked good and the other language just had a little extra white space that no one will ever notice or care.
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