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Level 3

InstallShield Tuner - Transformation not taken into account with /qb+ msiexec option

Hello to everyone 🙂 , I am new to this community!

This is my first post because, I have an issue with the creation of a transformation file and the application of this mst file.
Important I am not running InstallShield 2010 but I do not find any forum dedicated to the product I use (if the administrator wants or needs me to reroute the post to the good location…)

[SIZE="2"]Some details:[/SIZE]

InstallShield Tuner version 6.0 for Lotus Notes (version Notes 8.5.x)
I want to create a custom transformation file for the deployment of my Notes package with few changes: license, installation folders and components selection.
We are running XP workstation and current version of Notes is 6.5 (but I think it’s not important).

The symptom:

I am able to create a Custom.mst transformation file with the help of InstallShiled Tuner for Lotus Notes.
I use msiexec to launch the msi file and the mst file works with the command

msiexec /I “Lotus Notes 8.5.1.msi” TRANSFORMS=”Custom.mst”

With this command, the installation is performed with the pre-selection I decided with InstallShield are well preselected in the process.

My problem is that I need to install the msi package with a reduced UI, exactly with the option of msiexec /qb+ (Basic UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end)

I just modify my previous command with the addition of /qb+…

msiexec /I “Lotus Notes 8.5.1.msi” TRANSFORMS=”Custom.mst” /qb+

With this /qb+ option, the Custom.mst transforms file is not apply anymore !

I try to find people with the same symptom on google, nothing that can be apply to my case and I haven’t find anything yet that can help me on this community forum.

My questions:

  • Is anyone face this type of behaviors with a transform file in the past ?

  • Do you have any idea or any trick to help me solve my problem ?

Thanks you in advance for your feedbacks.

It’s Friday evening in Paris so have a good week-end !
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(5) Replies
Level 7

This forum is really only for Installshield customers so i'd expect this message to be removed by a moderator soon. But you should be able to find a more suitable forum at This site also has a package database and i'll be certain that it contains lotus notes.
0 Kudos
Level 9

How are you creating this transform (I'm not too familiar with Installshield Tuner)? Are you recording you selection in the dialogs? Or are you explicitly selecting which features should be installed? he latter should work.
As a workaround, you could use command line parameters ADDLOCAL and REMOVE to select or unselect features:
msiexec /I “Lotus Notes 8.5.1.msi” ADDLOCAL="Feature1,Feature2" REMOVE="Feature3"
Stefan Krueger
0 Kudos
Level 3

cbragg wrote:
This forum is really only for Installshield customers so i'd expect this message to be removed by a moderator soon. But you should be able to find a more suitable forum at This site also has a package database and i'll be certain that it contains lotus notes.

Thanks for the link, I find elements to continue in the resolution of my problematic.

Just a precision, I am an (indirect) customer of InstallShield.
I use the tool provided by IBM called InstallShield Tuner who is part of the portfolio of Flexera.
Even if my problem is more a application deployment problem, it occurs because the IS tuner tool not correctly handle the UI not UI paramaters in mst file.


Yes I record the selection using the dialogs with the help of IS Tuner. This creates the mst with the approriate parameters.

I had elements from VBScab in the AppDeploy forum which let's think that it may be a problem of Custom Actions not correctly execute in the /qb+ mode...

I will try to do what you recommand with ADDLOCAL.

In addition do you have any tips about the Custom Actions problems ?

Again thanks to both of you
0 Kudos
Level 9

Keep in mind that in a silent install or install with Basic UI (/qb and it variants) the UI sequence of the install is skipped completely, and only the Execute sequence runs. This means that any custom actions that are located in the UI sequence won't run.

You could generate a log file of your install (/l*v C:\Path\to\log.log) where you can see the values of all properties. Cross check with the content of your .mst to see if all properties are being set correctly. Also pay attention to messages talking about "insecure" properties or "disallow"ing any property settings.
Stefan Krueger
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks you Stephan for your feedbacks.

I am not able to identify the Custom Actions in the log files.

But in the same time, I find another way to cutomize my Lotus Notes install. The product is now based on ecplise (since v8.0) and installation can be customized with a the manifest file - basicaly an install.xml file.

I was able to perfom my customization even if I am not satified with my unability to create a mst transfom file.
For now I will work with this customization throw manifest xml file.

Again thanks for your support !
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