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Level 6

InstallShield 2014 bootstrapper gif image

Hi I just upgraded to InstallShield 2014 and I am trying to have the splash screen image that first appears when running my installer be our specific image.
For some reason there is no image. The first time I did it, it was the blue theme's image, but now it is blank.

I.e. I replaced the setup.gif file in the location
C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2014\Support\Themes\InstallShield Blue Theme
to be our new image.

Is there a reason why this image would not appear?
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Level 6

Perhaps it is the size of the image that matters?
I could use a 10k .gif file with dimensions 171*303 which works with 2014, but the 367*650 image for higher DPI does not work with 2014.
It however does work with 2013!
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