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Level 11

ISICE11 Validation Still Appears Broken

When running Windows 7 Validation, I receive messages that the manifest is lacking information. I came across some old information...

I was just wondering if this is ever going to be fixed or should I be seeing a fix in IS 2012 Premier.

I'll go ahead and change the validation .cub to match our current schema, but I'm just wondering if that will be OK or not.

Any information/guidance is greatly appreciated!
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Level 11

I've gone ahead and tried editing the IS validation .cub file to match the current schema values/versions. I no longer get the missing manifest items question, but I do get...

Exe My.exe in component My.exe is marked to require elevated privileges (highestAvailable) which requires a waiver from Microsoft.

Then I found this that explains it a bit...

Here's the current manifest settings...

Does this simply mean that since I requireAdministrator, I need a waiver from Microsoft?

Any information appreciated!
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Yup, that's all this really means.

It was at least a requirement for Windows Vista logo certification; Windows 7 may have loosened it, or they may still require it (I've lost track). InstallShield (which has a similar manifest) did get Windows 7 certification, so I don't believe the requirement actually presents much hardship. You'll probably just have to document to their logo certification staff why this exe requires administrative privileges.

But I don't work for their logo certification teams, so trust them over me. :cool:
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