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Level 3

IDE behaving oddly in Vista 64 - anyone else have this?

Hello all,

This is buggering me quite a bit, it's not a major thing, but very annoying.:(

Whenever I switch views using the treeview in Installation Designer, the scrollbars in the right pane often disappear, and/or the pane itself does not seem to resize properly. This also happens when pressing 'F4' to show/hide the treeview also, the right pane wont resize...

Anyone else have this? Is this a Vista bug, IS bug, video driver bug?

Using InstallShield 2008 Premier Edition for Windows on Vista Pro 64 bit (french ed.) w. nvidia 8500gt (drivers v7.15.11.6369 = Forceware v163.69) , Core 2 Quad Q6600.
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(4) Replies
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

I have used the IDE on several different machines with Vista, this includes

IBM Laptops
DELL Pentium D workstations
HP Vectras

and never seen this behavior. I am not sure what would casue this. Do you see this behavior in any other applications?
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Level 3

I have seen sometime akin to that behavior in a Windows performance monitor - can't recall exactly which one, but a part of the window would not refresh unless one of its parts was interacted with... But I have not seen it anywhere else - I will try and find where/what that monitor is exactly...

Oddly, I do not get the resize problems when connected to the PC via Remote Desktop... :confused:
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Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

I would suspect video device drivers then.
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Level 3

Not getting the problem anymore...

I'll blame this on Vista 64, as it's not yet The icon of stability (anyone else getting the windows explorer buggering out half the time?)
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