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Level 2

I need to create a Windows Scheduled Task with InstallShield LE in Visual Studio

Is there a way to add a Windows Scheduled Task directly through the UI Template? I want the scheduled task to execute a console application that is included in the installation. Another option would be to specify commands to execute at the end of the installation. If adding a Scheduled Task through the UI Template is not an option then how can I add my own commands or .bat file to be run at the end of the installation?
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(1) Reply
Level 9


A windows scheduled task cannot be directly created in ISLE UI. However, it is possible to add a scheduled task in InstallShield Premier and Professional versions, directly in the UI template.

An alternate option would be to create a batch file and include your scheduled task within the batch file and run this at the end of installation by using a custom action. This custom action may be sequenced before the InstallFinalize.

Hope this helps.

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