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Level 6

How to uninstall a program?

Hi, I create a setup program and add a custom action in the uninstallation, before the uninstaller make changes to the system. However, when I try to uninstall my program, it report an error for the custom action. Then the whole uninstall progress is aborted and I cannot uninstall it any more. Is there a way to solve the problem and continue uninstall my program?

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Level 10

Do you understand why the custom action is failing?  If so, in your project fix the error in the CA, if not, delete the custom action from your project.  

Next, rebuild your project.

Then run the update on machines that have the failing uninstall version installed.  If you have included a setup launcher (setup.exe) in your release, you can simply run that executable.  If there is no setup.exe, then run the command line

                        msiexec /i <PackageName>.msi REINSTALLMODE=voums REINSTALL=ALL

This will "update" the product that is installed on those machines--doing nothing to your product but it will cause the cached MSI to me updated to this new one (without the error-causing custom action.

Now you should be able to uninstall your product as the failing custom action is either now fixed or not present.

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