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Level 2

How do I force UAC to display

I've tried ever setting combination imaginable in an effort to get the UAC dialog to pop up when a user with low privileges runs my setup.exe.

Question 1: how do I force the setup to display the UAC dialog to inform a user they need admin privileges?

Question 2: Why does it give me this dumb Error 1925 that tells me I dont have privileges, then fails...instead of putting up the UAC?

Question 3: Why when I specify "Show All Users" option in the dialogue explorer does it not put up the UAC? The button even has the UAC shield icon on it?

thanks for your assistance.

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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

The only things that I would expect to cause the symptoms you describe are: disabled UAC on the machine, or Installation Information > General Information > Summary Information Stream: Require Administrative Priviliges set to No - if the latter, try setting it to Yes.

(The typical implementation of the dialog you show a picture of has the ability to override the Yes and treat as No for a per-user installation on Windows 7.)
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