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Level 5

Patch build error with updated VC redistributables

Our install project includes multiple merge modules (some ours and some third party). With our new release we are including an updated version of MFC/ATL/CRT merge modules. We get mainly two types of errors when building the patch, samples of which are as follows.

[CODE]ISDEV : error Val0001: The file 'catalog.30729.4148.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE.0901F145_82C9_3BF6_A91B_31F6791950EA' with a target of '[windowsfolder.30729.4148.microsoft_vc90_atl_x86.qfe.0901f145_82c9_3bf6_a91b_31f6791950ea]\winsxs\manifests\' appears to have been removed from the setup, but does not appear in the RemoveFile table. This file will not be removed from the target machine when an upgrade is run unless the RemoveFile table has been authored.

ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'nosxs.30729.4148.Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86.QFE.0901F145_82C9_3BF6_A91B_31F6791950EA' identified by ComponentID '{C67C900E-80CE-3536-86BD-054EDD1DAC1A}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade.[/CODE]

The second error suggests that this may no longer be a candidate for a patch. Just wanted to verify if this is the case, or is there any workaround to be able to generate a patch.

Praveen Kumar
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Agreed, it looks like updates to this merge module do not support being distributed by a patch. There are ways to account for this (namely creating a dummy component to match the removed one, and have it uninstall itself on upgrade), but you'd have to put it in your consuming project so it breaks the black box nature of using merge modules.
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Level 5

Thanks Michael. We shall go for a major/minor upgrade for this release.

MichaelU wrote:
Agreed, it looks like updates to this merge module do not support being distributed by a patch. There are ways to account for this (namely creating a dummy component to match the removed one, and have it uninstall itself on upgrade), but you'd have to put it in your consuming project so it breaks the black box nature of using merge modules.
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