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Level 2

How can I execute script as an administrator?


I have some trouble with executing script with InstallScript project.

I am using InstallShiedl 2020 Professional and I put some script into InstallScript project.

And I need to execute some part of script with an authority of administrator.

Please share any idea regarding my issue.


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Level 6

Hi @phreeman ,

What are you trying to execute as administrator? Is it an executable? If so, you can use LaunchAppAndWait, and specify LAAW_SHELLEXECUTEVERB = "runas" before running LaunchAppAndWait. I haven't tried this, but hopefully this gets you some information to get you started.

Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

You can use "LAAW_SHELLEXECUTEVERB=runas" at the beginning of your script, so that your script will run as administrator, Please refer below help link