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Level 2

Help! File Deletion/ replacement Issues

Hi all,

We have and Installshield MSI project which we use for deploying our application, we have recently upgraded the project to Installshield 2016 but I'm not sure if this is the source of the problem or not.

We have a component for the Frontend Application which is an MS Access accde program which is set to be the key file, recently we have notice some odd behaviour, as when we run an upgrade installation this file is not replaced even though it is set to always overwrite!

I have been experimenting with different ways to ensure this file is replaced but the behaviour seems to be getting more weird.

Firstly I added it to the RemoveFiles table, but this just seemed to be ignored and the file from the previous installation was still present.

Secondly, and probably the most odd behaviour is I wrote a custom script using the DELETEFILE Method as below :-

nError = DeleteFile ("C:\\ProgramData\\Protean 7.3\\Protean.accde");

Having stepped through it during install, it actually removes the file in question, but instead of replacing it with the new version, it somehow brings back the deleted one!! Conversely if the file has been removed prior to running then the install, or it is a clean installation then it actually adds the correct one!

Has anyone else experienced anything like this, or has any advice on how we should be trying to overwrite this file? It worked OKon previous version of Installshield, and it seems to work ok with some releases created with 2016.

Hope this all makes sense, any advice would be greatly recieved


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(3) Replies
Level 4

Did you check the "Never Overwrite" option for the Component itself?
If it's set to "yes" it won't touch the component if the Keyfile exists on the target system.
0 Kudos
Level 2

Georg1 wrote:
Did you check the "Never Overwrite" option for the Component itself?
If it's set to "yes" it won't touch the component if the Keyfile exists on the target system.

Thanks for the reply Georg1 yes I have, the 'Never Overwrite' property is set 'No' so that shouldn't be a problem.

We've noticed some other odd behaviour too, it we upgrade to in intermediary release then the upgrade works fine, it just doesn't work if we try to upgrade directly to the latest install!, so under certain conditions the overwrite of the file obviously OK!
0 Kudos
Level 4

Hi Simon,
what does the MSI Log tell how this Component is processed?
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