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Level 3

Getting "InstallShield can not call DLL functions: IsWindow"


I just upgraded our InstallShield version 9 project to InstallShield 2009. I converted the old *.ism project to 2009 with no errors, and the project built with no errors.

However, when I run the installation, I get a "can not call DLL: IsWindow" message for every custom dialog we show. This did not happen before the conversion to 2009.

Has anyone run into this? Any ideas or suggestions?

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Level 3

OK, I found out why. Looks like CmdGetHwndDlg behaves a bit differently in IS 2009 than it did in IS version 9. I am getting a null handle sometimes from this call, and then using that in InstallShield's _WinSubGetWindowRect.

I do not fully understand why I sometimes get a null handle from CmdGetHwndDlg when it worked in version 9. At any rate, I easily fixed this by putting in a check for a null handle before making the WinSubGetWindowRect call.

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