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Level 8

Get Property value for multiple Custom Actions?

In a Basic MSI project, when using InstallScript custom actions involving properties (such as INSTALLDIR, SUPPORTDIR), you need to create a Set Property custom action first. And the property that is assigned in that custom action must be the same as the name of the InstallScript custom action that later uses that property by calling GetMsi on CustomActionData.

Okay, so if I have a separate rollback custom action to undo changes made by my InstallScript custom action, and let's say I need the value of INSTALLDIR for the rollback as well; would I have to create another Set Property custom action with the same name as the rollback action so it can get the value of INSTALLDIR?

It seems like this would indicate I would have to create a separate Get Property action for each of my custom actions, even if many of them are using the same property. Is there a better way to do this?
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Level 10

Unfortunately, no.
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