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Level 3

Funky dialog behavior - Text is sent to back

I have a strange issue in a converted project (many times now actually, back to Installshield 8 I believe). On my dialogs in 2008 however, after about 4-5 seconds, some or all of my text fields that are on a banner go behind it. I know this sounds crazy, but its happening!! For instance, the "License agreement" sub-text at the top is there for five seconds, then it goes away. I have moved the text around and it looks like the banner is being brought to the front. See the screenshot.

I know its probably best to start clean instead of upgrade, but there are so many dialogs and custom actions in this installation, it will be a major project. I tried all combinations of sending my text\banner to the back, ect, no luck.

Has anyone ever seen this behavior? I do notice there is a flicker on every dialog after 5 seconds? Anyone know what is occurring at this time?
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(2) Replies
Level 9

The bold text "License Agreement" however stays on top. Compare the settings of the two. It might be related to tab order (sequnce or no tab stop at all)
Stefan Krueger
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thanks Stefan, between your suggestions and this ( I figured it out.

The amount of work and frustration I went through to resolve this issue was insane. Please, Installshield, improve your dialog editor.
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