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Level 3

Folders left after uninstall

I am using MSI in my project.
I installed all components successfully. I open one of the components and uninstall the whole project using ADD/REMOVE of control panel. After Uninstall the folder containing the running application remain in the shortcut and program files but it is empty.

I notice the difference between uninstall dialog when I use setup.exe to uninstall the project and when I use the ADD/REMOVE programs.

I modified the "FileInUse" and "MsiRMFilesInUse" Dialog to automatically close the running application and remove all components without asking the user to close it.

When I uninstall the project using setup.exe, all shortcuts and folders are removed and all running applications closes automatically. But when I uninstall the project with ADD/REMOVE programs, the problem still exist (my modification doesn't not reflect).

What should I do to reflect the changes I made?
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(5) Replies
Level 8

can you mention the OS that u are running this in? If its able to remove everything as you have mentioned from a setup.exe and not through add & remove, i suspect some UAC related issue
0 Kudos
Level 3

The problem occur in windows 7, XP and Vista
0 Kudos
Level 8

are you doing the uninstalltion in Administrator log in ? if not pleae log into the Pc as administrator and try to remove from add/remove and see
0 Kudos
Level 3

Yes, Im doing the uninstalltion in Administrator log in
0 Kudos
Level 3

Can anybody help me with this please.
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