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File size of setup.exe is getting increased on signing of dependent artifacts

We are signing jars in our project and can see huge difference of almost 200MB increase in size of setup.exe.
Though relative increase in size of project after signing is 20MB.
This is blocker issue and want to know root cause of this issue.
From our end, we investigated and found there is increase in file size. 

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(7) Replies
Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @Pramod140996 

Is this 2 output are build using same ism file, without other new changes except the signing, ? How you are signing the jars using installshield or outside of installshield.?

You can edit the cab file using Installshield cabinet log viewer app, Go to windows start menu and search for cab log viewer and open the app 

and select the or .hdr files and verify the files are same and size are same and no new files added.

Make sure if you have files added through dynamic file linking, make sure no new files are added in dynamic folder path.

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Hi @varul 

yes, these two outputs are built using the same ism file. yes, only the signing libraries change.

we are signing the jars outside of install shield. we are signing those using our own script.

I tried opening file with this InstallShield cabinet log viewer but was getting this error (attached image). looks like getting this error because data2.hdr file is not present for this file. could you please suggest what would be causing such huge increase in size after signing the libs

MicrosoftTeams-image (26).png





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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @Pramod140996 

Try to open the hdr file and verify,

Since the packages are signed outside of installshield, please check the  size of jar files post signing verify it.

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Hi @varul 

hdr file is not generated for file. is there any way to open .cab file that doesn't have a corresponding hdr file?

we have already verified the size of jar files post-signing . we found that there is only 20 mb difference in relative folders after signing the jars but  there is huge difference of almost 200MB increase in size of setup.exe.



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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

what is your project type? Basic MSI or installscript MSI or installscript?

Is files added to the project ism using dynamic linking or static linking?

Try to open the and see it opens or not.

Also try to install the new setup.exe in a clean machine and check the files are same or anything newly added in to it.

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The project is of type installscript. Files are added to the project using static linking. Yes, I am able to open file but the issue is with file.


I have tried installing the new setup.exe in a clean machine and there is only 20 mb difference in the installation directory.

Could you please suggest how can I determine root cause of this issue?




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Revenera Moderator Revenera Moderator
Revenera Moderator

Hi @Pramod140996 

We need to investigate the ism file and all the files in ism as well, and if you project has any prerequisites please remove and try building.

Also check in your ism file support files, is any new files added my mistake, this support files wont get installed, only used on installation time. (Under Behavior and Logic --> Support files --> Language Independent)

You can just remove the jar files and rebuild the project and check the size, and readd the jar files and rebuild and compare the size.

You can also create a new test project and add your project files and add jar files and rebuild and verify the size.

If you still face the same issue, I suggest you to raise a support case.

Could you please navigate to Get Support > Open New Case in the top menu and open a new case, You can also raise a case with our Support Team about this issue, by email at

Creating  a support case will allow us to submit an issue request, if necessary, for tracking purposes. If you have a valid, active, unexpired technical support contract (maintenance plan).

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