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Level 7

Error: -1639 Invalid command line argument


I have an Installscript MSI project which has been working fine. Today, it errors just before the feature transfer begins with "Error: -1639 Invalid command line argument. Consult the Windows Installer SDK for detailed command line help".

I have no idea what I've done that's caused this; the only argument I am passing to the msi file is verbose logging. The log gets created, and it's not clear to me what to look for within.

I haven't found any instances of this on the forum that apply to my situation (so far as I can tell). Can anyone suggest something to check, perhaps something in the log file? I have for the moment hit a wall.

Thanks very much.
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(5) Replies
Level 13

Might there be spaces or special characters in the string?
Have you tried putting quotes around the command line argument?
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thanks for that response. However, I added quotes, even removed the darn command, and still the feature transfer error occurs.

I've attached the log file in case anyone would be so kind as to have a look. I'm not expert at interpreting the verbose logs, but this one is telling me nothing... :confused:
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Level 8

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Level 7

Thanks very much for that suggestion! I had [$Documentation} in the Add/Remove programs section of the IDE. Alas, the error still occurs after correcting it to [$Documentation].

Thanks again for the link.
0 Kudos
Level 7

For anyone who encounters this, the problem in my case was consecutive semi-colons (i.e., ";;") in the SecureCustomProperties MSI property; removing one resolved the issue.
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