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Level 13

Error 1309 when running repair AFTER installing patch

The original release of this setup is compressed into cab files. However, the latest build of this is uncompressed, from which the patch is generated. The error message indicates that it is looking for files in an uncompressed path, when it should be looking for the paths in a compressed directory.

I suspect this issue is related to the patch having been created from a setup that is uncompressed.

Is this a correct assumption? So is the only solution to leave the setup compressed and perform an administrative install in order to uncompress it?

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Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

You are correct. The media layout needs to match for both the earlier and the latest versions of your install. Generating an admin install of your packages is your best option.
(If my reply answers a question you have raised, please click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION".)
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