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Level 7

Dual Signature Delay between signing

When using Comodo digital signatures for signing, Comodo states there needs to be at least a 15 second delay between signing so their severs don't get hammered. They appear to be getting more and more fussy about that 15 second delay. I've had to adjust my scripts to accommodate these delays so I don't have failures.

Is there a way to add a delay before signing of a user specified amount or hard code 15 seconds before signing?

When I build with IS, especially via command line via scripts, I've been getting more and more errors, especially with dual signatures, because it's doing back to back requests.
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(2) Replies
Level 7

Any Ideas or workarounds? When I run the command line builder to build projects I'm running about a 20% success rate with dual signing. Maybe a bit more when building within the IDE.
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Hi @LanceRas ,

This issue has been considered as an enhancement for the next release, you can track it via IOJ-1908433.

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