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Level 7

Custom actions not getting executed

I am trying to add a custom event to my universal project. I have a jar file with my necessary classes but no matter what I try, the classes will not get executed in the installer. The IDE allows me to add them in the add-in manager without complaining and I can then add the custom wizard action in the sequences view. When running in debug mode, all I see is "skipping bean Wizard Bean Place Holder (bean2) because it could not be loaded". This warning, however, should not affect the execution of the class. I even tried putting this as the very first step in the event and I do not even see the text in debug mode.

public void execute(WizardBeanEvent event)

Any ideas how to get this to work or why it wouldn't be working properly?
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(3) Replies
Level 7

ok so now yet a different problem.. still getting those weird errors once in a while.

Now I have found that if my CustomAction calls the constructor of another class then I get this:

An error occurred during wizard bean change notification:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mycompany/installer/wizard/action/SimpleMessageTest

The SimpleMessageTest.class file is built into the same jar as the class referencing it. There are no compile errors and there are no build errors from the IDE.

Any Ideas???????
0 Kudos
Level 3


I am facing the same problem..

Have you fixed it yet. Any solution would be appreciated.


rmackay wrote:
ok so now yet a different problem.. still getting those weird errors once in a while.

Now I have found that if my CustomAction calls the constructor of another class then I get this:

An error occurred during wizard bean change notification:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mycompany/installer/wizard/action/SimpleMessageTest

The SimpleMessageTest.class file is built into the same jar as the class referencing it. There are no compile errors and there are no build errors from the IDE.

Any Ideas???????
0 Kudos
Level 7

yes this all has to do with how the jar is included in the archive. it needs to be added in the build method of your custom action. Try using one of the custom beans provided by InstallShield on their custom beans page and then work forward from there.
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