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Generating multiple installers using a single Build Configuration

I normally deal with builds and only tangentially with installers in that I have to use them in order to generate platform specific installers, so this question might seem stupid to most of you ;-(

On my previous job, we used InstallAnywhere and were able to target all platforms to one configuration and in one shot generate installers for all targeted platforms. The structure looked something like:


At my new job, we use InstallShield Multi-platform 11.5 but the person who works on the installer has not had previous experience with this particular product. So he configured a 'product/build configuration' called Media and targeted AIX platoform to it. We use Ant to invoke ISMP and generate the installer by passing 'Media' as one of the arguments to the startup class.

The installer gets generated at: ${inst_root}/dist/media/disk1/Setup.bin, while the 'outputDirectory' is set to 'media'.

Now, we need to add linux and I don't want to have another 'product/build configuration' added to the project file and have to invoke ISMP again, I would rather have Media configuration with AIX and Linux OSs targeted so that I could generate both installers in one call.

The problem that I am having is that while I realize that we can have the name of the installer to be generated be defined as Setup_aix.bin and Setup_linux.bin or other combinations thereof, I was wondering if we can have the output directory set for each of the platform to 'aix' and 'linux' and so on while keeping the installer name Setup.bin such that we would end up with the following structure:


The documentation seems to imply that the 'outputDirectory' gets set per build cofiguration.

Output Directory:
Specify the location to which you want the build project saved.

All build output goes into the outputDirectory/disk1 directory regardless of whether media spanning is required.

I would really appreciate any help on this.

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Flexera Alumni

In the File Name property for a launcher you can use a relative path, such as linux/setup.bin or aix/setup.bin.

(If you set Embed Archive to false, though, I believe you'll have to manually copy setup.jar to the same directories as your launchers as a post-build step.)
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