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Custom action from a merge module


I have a MSI package that includes a custom merge module.
At the end of the install I want to add a custom action that launches an exe file installed from the merge module.

I cannot find a way to specify in my main package the .EXE included in the merge module.

Is this possible?

If not, what would be another way? I don't want to add this custom action to the merge module because is not always required (depends on the parent package).

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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

For one option, perhaps see KB articles Q112907 and Q111277, and look up "ModuleInstallExecuteSequence" in the help libraries...

Oops: missed the "don't want to include in merge module", unless you can put a condition on the action in the merge module, and promise to set a corresponding property for that condition in the parent package.
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Not applicable

Thanks, Robert.

Considering your suggestion, I need to know exactly when the Merge Module installation is executed. My custom action (launch the executable) has to be executed at the end of the installation.

So, I add the action in the merge module and I set it to be run as Commit Execution.

But how can I be sure that it will be run at the end of my main project installation?

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Flexera Alumni

Please look up "ModuleInstallExecuteSequence" in the MSI documentation; that table enables you to specify where (in relation to actions in the parent product) the module's action will run.
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