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Level 4

Create installer for Linux on p-series and z-series

How can I create product installers for Linux on p-series and z-series. I can include conditions in my product tree (using $J(os.arch)) to ensure that only the files meant for linux on p-series get installed on that system, but I am not sure how to include build configuration and create native launchers. Thx.
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(2) Replies
Level 3

We ship our product for pLinux and zLinux (and xLinux and AIX) using InstallShield MP 11.

Both pLinux and zLinux are Linux platforms and therefore you need to create Linux launchers (build configuration) for both.
InstallShield does not provide bundled jvms for power linux or s390/z linux, and you will need to create custom bundled jvms (search this forum and installshield knowledgebase for related references). Custom jvm packages you create need to be refernced in the jvm resolution for your pLinux and zLinux build configuration respectively.

That's if you need to ship installers with bundled jvms. If not, you may ship the same installer for both pLinux and zLinux, due to the fact that installshield mp launcher is the shell script, which works (supposely) on any linux pltform.
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Level 4

Thx for the response. We do need to bundle jvm's for all of the platforms, so we will use different build configuration to achieve this.
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