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Level 4

JVM resolution for 32/64 bit platforms

Our product supports both 32 and 64 bit platforms and we would like to ship both bundled jre's (32 and 64 bit). How can I specify both in the bundled jvm property for the installer and how can I bundle both of those jre's? Does InstallShield have an internal logic that will detect the target architecture and use the appropriate one.
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(2) Replies
Level 3

sumitpendharkar wrote:
Our product supports both 32 and 64 bit platforms and we would like to ship both bundled jre's (32 and 64 bit). How can I specify both in the bundled jvm property for the installer and how can I bundle both of those jre's? Does InstallShield have an internal logic that will detect the target architecture and use the appropriate one.

I am creating installers for 32 bit and 64 bit Windows, FreeBSD and Linux. The workaround I found was to create a second build configuration for the same OSs as the 32 bit then in the JVM Resolution tab you can select the build configuration you want then select the JVM to bundle. I am installing apps and drivers so I have to be specific on which architecture I am running on so I had to set platform conditions to cause the install to fail if installers are run on the wrong architecture. Hope that helps, I also had to build my one JVM for 64 bit Windows, Linux and FreeBSD since Macrovision does not have them to download even though they state they support these OSs.
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Level 4

Thx for the response. We will also do the same.
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