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Level 2

Copy from an inserted CD-ROM Drive to computer

Please excuse me for this novice question. However, I have been tasked by my company to create an installer that will work with our already released discs, and I have very little knowledge of Installshield 2008. So, if anyone can help I'd greatly appreciate it.

We've already released a program on CD & DVD, and now we want to make it vista compatible by creating a small downloadable patch installer that will take the place of the installer on the already mailed discs. Basically the installer we shipped doesnt work with Vista. So we need to make an installer that people can download and have it interact with a folder on an inserted CD/DVD.

The issue:
I need to create a web downloadable installer that will search for a previously inserted CD/DVD, find a folder on the disc, and copy the contents of it to the Program Files directory on their computer. However, I do not even know where to begin. I have been reading through all the tutorials, but I am not able to make sense of how to make a script, or even what to put in.

They purchased InstallSheild 2008 assuming that we were advanced users, but we arent. The only thing I know how to do is basically use the wizard.

Thank you.
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(5) Replies
Flexera Alumni

What type of project are you using? In InstallScript, for example, GetValidDrivesList will return drive letters for removable drives (or you could use SelectDirEx for the user to browse for the folder), and XCopyFile enables you to copy a directory structure...
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Level 2

I assume the only type of project I can use to achieve my goal is InstallScript, correct?

If so, I have no idea where or how to begin when it comes to installscript. Since I am unfamiliar with the scripting language (whatever it may be), I am guessing I will have to get a programmer. I know how to program in HTML, but that is about it.

Do you have recomendations on websites or tutorials that would explaing what I want to do specifically? First off, working with installscript, and second, copying files from a users CD-ROM?

Also, do you know where I can find a programmer that I could contract this small job out to, and just pay him for the template, that I could then just modify and use?

Thanks for your help. I thought I would never get a response.
0 Kudos
Level 5

I have the same problem, we have version 12 and my manager dump this on me and is telling me that this should work with no problems.
I would like to get a tutorial on this on how to do that.
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Flexera Alumni

The help library does have MSI and InstallScript tutorials, and most InstallScript functions have associated script samples...

As for which project type to use, it partly depends on what type was used to create the original installer, and what relationship you want the new installer to have with the old one (is it a patch, or a separate standalone utility, or something else?).
0 Kudos
Level 5

Thank you for your reply,
I get more information on this.
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