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Level 4

User's previous entries


I am working with InstallScript project. My setup program needs to save the user's entries so that the entries can default the next time the user runs the install.
Anyone knows how to do that?

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(5) Replies
Level 4

Anyone knows?
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Flexera Alumni

What type of entries? If you mean entries in dialog boxes, one option is to generate a "response file", which contains the data entered by the user in all the dialog boxes; an administrator can then silently install the product on other systems using the same settings by processing the response file. The online help has more information about response files and silent installations.
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Level 4

Yes, I mean the entries in dialog boxes. But I want my install to behave like the first time install, only this time with the entries previously entered. I do not want to do the silent install.
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Flexera Alumni

I'm not aware of anything built-in for non-silent installations. You could write code that saves variable values into an INI file (perhaps based on a custom switch you read from CMDLINE) and read the values back from the INI (based on another switch), which shouldn't be too bad if you're not showing too many dialog boxes. Depending on your requirements, you could ignore the switches for maintenance mode and uninstallation; decide how to handle partial INI files; and so forth...
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Level 4

thanks a lot Robert!
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