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Level 5

ComboBox bug

If one item in an unsorted combobox is a substring of a preceding one, it can't be selected.

For example, in a Basic MSI project, I created a combobox with drop-down list = true, sorted = false and two items: "Connection 1" and "Connection" (in the Text fields, the Values are irrelevant). If you try to select "Connection", "Connection 1" is actually selected.

Anyone else spotted this and agree it's a bug? It can be circumvented by setting sorted = true but then again you might not want the list sorting that way.

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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

I hadn't seen that before, but with a quick test it appears I have to select "Connection" twice before the selection sticks...
0 Kudos
Level 5

FYI Acresso have agreed it is a bug (with "no estimated time frame for when it will be fixed") so I'm making sure all my combo lists are sorted now.
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