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Level 6

Checkbox not checking when clicked

I have a Basic MSI project which was converted from IS12. On the SetupCompleteSuccess dialog there is a checkbox "Show the Windows Installer log". (not tested the SetupCompleteError)
I can click this checkbox but the checkbox is not checked :confused:.

The animation even works: the checkbox get a darker color for a second but no "V"-mark. Also the installer log isn't show regardless of even or uneven clicks.

The dialog is the stock version supplied with IS12, it has not been changed either before or after conversion to IS2010.

There are no other UI related issues in this installer. (although i have no other checkboxes)

Any ideas ?
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Sounds reminiscent of a problem in the Checkbox table. Look for a row that has an empty value in the Value column. Either delete that row, or put 1 in its Value column.
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Level 6

That fixed the issue
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