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Level 4

Cannot copy C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2018\Redist\Language Independent\i386\setup.exe error -1015

Does any one have an idea why my Basic MSI project tries to copy a file C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2018\Redist\Language Independent\i386\setup.exe into my target build directory ?

I've checked, and the setup.exe file doesn't exist in the InstallShield directory ?! What is this language independant thing ?

What is trying to do ? Any suggestion ?

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(6) Replies
Level 4

The funny thing is, that I've got the same Basic MSI  project that handles my 32bits version and it's doing just fine !!!


(I'm handling 32 and 64 bits installer into one by setting things up like explained here


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Level 4

Just before it stopped building, I unchecked two prerequisites !!!

For the sake of it, I checked them again (like it was before).

And guess what ? It builds again ! It seems to be related to the prerequisite feature. Any idea why ?

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Can you explain exactly what you did,  I am having the same issue and I am not able to fix it.

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Check R/W attrib on setup.exe

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the file doesn't even exist.

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Strange. I have this file.


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