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Level 2

Basic MSI:Add conditon to Property of Files added in Application Files

I am using InstallShield2012 Free version to create a setup for my project. I have chosen BasicMSI installation to create windows Installer. My setup will have custom Dialog which will install Client, server or Both according to user choice on Dialog. screenshot attached.

Suppose, I am choosing Client as my installation type( Refer Screenshot DialogBox)whose value is set to 1. I want to set condition in properties of primary output files associated with client so that it is included in setup while rest of files are not included.

The same i can achieve when i am creating setup through visualstudio2010. Screenshot of Primaryoutputproperty in visual studio attached.
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Level 9

you can use the property associated with the radio button group as a condition on your component. say you can have comp_server and comp_client and comp_both...... set condition based on radio button group's property.
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